Soy Power Capsule

Soy Power Capsule

R 351

1.Possesses antimicrobial properties against various bacterial and fungal infestations

2.Improves malnutritional status and general well being

People with chronic infection (bacteria, fungal and viral infection )
People with compromised immunity
People with a sore throat, Conjunctivitis, sinus congestion, colds, influenza, bronchitis, disorders of the ears, periodontal disease, pneumonia, bile infections, gastric ulcer, infection of the urinary tract, intestinal infections, and eczema

Weight: 0.077 kg
Length: 0.050 cm
Width: 0.040 cm
Height: 0.100 cm
[10:40, 14/11/2024] Emmanuel Mohlala: INGREDIENTS
semen glycine,radix paeoniae alba extractum,ganoderma,soy isoflavones

1.Prevents the decline of ovary's function

2.Reduces the loss of bone density; prevents osteoporosis especially during the after menopause

3.Prevents breast cancer

4.Prevents arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases

5.Improves mental activities,strengthens memory and prevents damentia

6.Retards aging,nourishes skin and makes skin smooth,soft and elastic

Females with pre-menstruate tension
Females with post-menopausal syndrome
Females with unbalanced female hormones especially declined estrogens
Females with lower bone density or osteoporosis;
Females with infertility caused by low estrogen level;
Females with poor quality sleep,insomnia or anxiety;
Females who intend to improve their sexuality.

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